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           Areas of Counseling Expertise

Individual Counseling

With over 20 years of experience in the field, I have grown a deep rooted passion for helping people.  Creating a space that others can come, share and feel supported and guided has always been my foremost intention.  I have strength in supporting anxiety, depression, job change, life coaching, parenting coaching as well as a majority of other needs.  

Couples Counseling

Couples counseling supports members of a couple to address communication issues, communication styles, connection, infidelity, intimacy struggles and overall reparation and reconnection in a relationship.  It allows a space to focus onthe challenges of married/ coupled life so that you can get your relationship back on track. 

Women's Health Issues

Women often face challenges that are unique to their gender, such as sexism, stereotyping, motherhood, childbirth issues, and infertility struggles. Many women struggle with gender roles and may feel pressured to balance a career and family. Other women seek help with parenting and marriage difficulties.  As a Certified Maternal/Fetal  Mental and Behavioral Health Counselor, I am available for support with prenatal, perinatal and post partum struggles including- Post Part Depression/ Anxiety and post part loss.  I am trained  to support your unique fertility journey as well. 





Certified Divorce Mediator:


What is a Divorce mediator?  A mediator can help you reach agreement on the issues you and your spouse need to resolve in order to finalize your divorce, such as child custody, child support, and property division.  Following the mediation process, a Memorandum of Understanding will be drafted for your submission to petition your county for your divorce. 



Collaborative Divorce Coach:


The Collaborative Divorce Coach works as a team member with other Collaborative Professionals ( CDFA, Legal Counsel)  to provide an out of court process for the resolution of family conflicts. This process offers Respect, Privacy and Control in resolving family conflicts

Collaborative Divorce process focuses on protecting and enhancing the relationship between you and your spouse. If you have children, not further damaging the relationship between you and your spouse will benefit your children at present and in the future


My Approach


My inherent approach to working with and in support of my clients, has always been client-centered.  I view my role as a therapist to be a mirror for the potential that is already present within a person.  I am very much a realist and want to support what a person needs in the moment.  I want to meet my clients where they are but also show them I will walk the trenches to make sure we don't stay there too long.  


I am passionate about change and empowerment and have often been given the compliment that my therapy sessions are like " having coffee with an old friend".  I strive to create a safe, open, judgment free space for clients to be themselves.  



While I have long stood in the conviction that I am not a one theory therapist, I find myself mostly drawn to Reality Therapy.


Obviously, not all aspects of life are within our power to change, human beings are always faced with opportunities to respond rationally or responsibly – or not.


"Reality Therapy helps clients to establish greater control over their lives while enhancing the ability to build meaningful and effective relationships. It is a present-day, non-symptom-focused approach in which the counselor takes on a friendly, positive, and nonjudgmental stance.

Reality Therapy promotes individual responsibility for actions while helping clients make decisions that are in line with the visions they have for their lives."

My Approach
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